7 Reunion Registries in Phoenix

A reunion or adoption registry is a database that contains information about adoptions where adoptees and birth parents can find family members. Information that is available to the public varies from state to state. In Arizona, information about adoption is closed to the public, and it is illegal to release information about adoptions including the child’s and the birth parent’s information. Once a child who has been adopted turns 18, he or she can petition the court to allow these files to be released. Birth parents can also petition the court once the child turns 18. One hundred years after an adoption, adoption files become archived and become public record. These adoption laws make it difficult for adoptees and birth family members to find information on family members. Adoption registries allow family members to post information about themselves so that other family members who are possibly looking for them can be notified and located. The following website lists the current adoption laws in Arizona and offers information on reunion registries in Phoenix.

A confidential intermediary can also be used. This is a person who is licensed by the state to access adoption records to locate family members. A CI will usually cost more money than a registry, but will likely be more successful in locating family members.

To increase the likelihood of finding family members, it is best to use multiple online registries as well as a Confidential Intermediary.

The following websites are registries in Phoenix, Arizona.

Adoption Database

Adoption Database is an online registry where participants can post information about themselves and who they are looking for. This website includes national and international adoptions as well.

G’S Adoption Registry

G’S Adoption Registry is an online registry where family members can post information about themselves and who they are looking for. This websites includes national and international adoptions as well.

Find My Family Adoption Registry

Find My Family Adoption Registry is an online registry where family members can post information about themselves and who they are looking for. This websites includes national and international adoptions as well.


This website is a community forum where participants can post information about themselves and who they are looking for.

The Judicial Branch of Arizona

This website is run by the Maricopa County Court system and has information on how to get adoption records.

Research Etc. Investigations


This website is run by a private investigator and has information on how to hire private investigators to locate family members.

Arizona Adoption Locator

This website explains what a Confidential Intermediary is and how to hire them to locate family members. They will also answer any questions you may have.