Foster Care in Phoenix: What to Know

There are more than 18,000 children in foster care in Phoenix, Arizona. While it is important for the state to take care of these children, they cannot do it alone. They rely on the help of Arizona residents. There are many ways that you can help as a resident of Arizona. You can donate money to a foster-care organization or other charities, donate your time and become a court-appointed advocate, serve on a foster care review board, or adopt and train to be a foster parent.

One of the biggest needs I see is the need for foster parents. Many of these children are often placed in shelters due to the lack of foster homes. So how do you become a foster parent? In Arizona, in order to become a foster parent, you must do several things.


The first thing you need to do is receive pre-service training which can be completed via online or in-class instruction. This training is very important as it provides information on the roles and responsibilities of all team members on a foster child’s team. 


The next thing you need to do is obtain a medical form to be completed by a medical professional who will medically qualify you. Another requirement is that you must be able to meet your living expenses because most of the time, foster parents have to purchase clothing for the children in their home.


The next thing you will need to do is participate in an extensive interview process which includes a home study completed by a Department of Children Services licensing worker. This worker will ask you very personal questions about your present and past relationships in order to assess your ability to care for children who have experienced trauma. You will want to answer very openly and honestly. Through this home study, you will also need to pass a home safety inspection. The Department of Children Services has to guarantee that the place in which a child is placed is safe. The last requirement is that you must be lawfully present in the United States. This means that you must be a citizen or an alien authorized to be present in the United States.

So you think you are ready to be a foster parent? Go to one of these websites and get more information.

Find your place in the Arizona Foster Care system here and the steps to get there here.